Thursday, November 13, 2008

Simple Blood Test for Stroke Risk in Migraineurs

My neurologist visits with me on the phone about once a month, instead of my having to drive down to see him and do the copay, find a babysitter, and pay for gas. He started doing this with his patients when the gas prices went up.

My brother, thirty-two years old and a migraineur since the age of ten had a Vertebral Artery Dissection and then a Transient Ischemic Attack almost a month ago. This had me on the internet looking at stroke risk in migraineurs. (Just to clarify, VAD can happen to anybody just from being in a car accident or cracking ones neck.)

So of course I had some nervous (ha ha--no pun to neurologists, really!) questions regarding the stroke issue. My neurologist said there is a simple blood test to help determine risk for this.

I haven't had the blood test yet, and I can't remember the name of the antibody he said the test looks for. But I googled "stroke migraine blood test" or something like that and came up with this article. Perhaps this is what he is talking about?

Interesting. Talk to your doctor. And by the way, if you aren't seeing a neurologist to treat your migraines, but a PCP, and your treatment isn't quote my friend whose been a nurse for years, "get thee to a neurologist!" I can't stress how important it is to be an advocate for yourself, not to be afraid of your doctor and his/her nurse, but be aggressively assertive! You deserve the best care.

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