Saturday, October 17, 2009

It's been a while...

My headaches have been a lesser part of my life these past few months. I've been in a predictable rhythm now, with one or two when I ovulate and two or three during my period. That is very doable. Would I like to have none? yes, of course. But does life have pain? yes, of course. I'm at peace with them, do not fear them, and don't think about them much anymore.

I'm off the B-2, Co-Q10 and Butterbur for over a month now. I did this because I want to become pregnant soon and my neurologist said I can't take them during that. Not much difference. I'm not sure if I'll ever use them again. I have a whole lot of them left if anybody wants to have them...

I'm thinking my body got back to normal by itself. Though the neck exercises, I believe, made the biggest difference. My husband thinks that the reason for my major start on these was my neck in the first place. I argue that it was my menstrual cycle being funny (I think I was anovulatory for several months and finally everything became normal with the cycle and it shocked my body). Maybe both?

I had been reading the seventh Harry Potter book from Saturday morning (Friday night, depending on how you look at it) at midnight through Saturday and finishing it Sunday morning. Well the next day, Monday, was when I had my first vertigo-migraine episode. But it was also the first day of my period. Neck in a bad position for two days (I'm a nerd to read that much, I know), with little sleep, and then finally a normal period...a recipe for disaster, I guess.

It's been almost two and a half years since the start of these migraines. I'm looking forward to becoming pregnant soon, and hope that I'll have a break from the headaches for a while. I had one migraine (with visual aura) in my first trimester with my first pregnancy. None after that and none with my second pregnancy. It wasn't until four years after that first pregnancy when this whole mess started. I wonder if the hormone change at post-partem will start the migraines up again. Though I know a woman who had horrible migraines for years and then when she had her two daughters, she never had them again.

There is just no way to know, no reason to worry, because nothing can be done to prevent in that scenario.

I'm just at ease knowing that I know several different things to do to cope with the pain, deal with the nausea and dizziness, and perhaps treat them...


Diana Lee said...

Hello! I just discovered your blog and wanted to make a comment. I'm glad for you that your migraines have improved somewhat lately. I hope that continues for you.

Somebody Heal Me

Heidi said...

so glad you're living more migraine-free days. Mine haven't been around for a long time...knock on wood. :)
Mine tend to come more when I have fasted, or the weather change. If it's the weather change, then it's because of the heavy pressure in the air, like just before a really bad rain/wind storm. Huh. Go figure.
Also, just a dorky note to you: my word verification below is almost my name! It's "hedis"
Ha ha ha ha