Friday, March 13, 2009

Mini Migraine Me

Yesterday I felt like I was on the verge of throwing up for the majority of the day.

At first I thought it was that I hadn't eaten; so I ate. No change.

Then I drank a lot of water (so counter-intuitive when nauseated, right?) and though this didn't make my nausea worse, it didn't help.

I fully expected to have started my cycle, but I didn't. Which brought me to thoughts of pregnancy, though we're careful right now to not conceive until my health improves. So I wasted another test (my husband told me I could have just peed on a ten dollar bill, instead) to take that small anxiety away.

It was just a migraine. Just. The headache was not that bad. I didn't take anything. It was the nausea that bothered me the most. But no vertigo, so that is so very nice. (Do you see how positive I can be? It's better than the other option.)

Last night, when I got into bed, I had that horrible piercing pain at the front right corner of my skull. It was only two times, about five minutes apart and about one minute each time. That time frame is nothing, but during this experience I fear that it won't ever stop. Self talk gets me through it. Having experienced this type of pain before I know that it is acute. I breathe through a contraction.

Funny how I used to compare all of my pain experiences to labor. I'm sure I will, in the future, compare my labor to migraines. Of course, not this tiny migraine I had last night (and am still having effects of this morning) since that was nothing. I compare my migraines to migraines. I've really only had a few that made me shake and shiver and cry and moan and hope to vomit to relieve some pressure. Thankfully, most of mine are not like that. They are strong enough to affect my day, thye aren't enough to stop me from doing what I need to do (translation: I'm on the couch but can still feed my three year old and pick up my daughter from the bus stop). Though I do admit to throwing small pity parties through them. I would invite you, but most of the time I like to go alone...and I'm just not very nice at those functions.

I hope (and assume) this is just my menses talking and I'm not slowly diving into the hell of headaches that I used to call normal. Positive thoughts....maybe some light yoga today...maybe a walk through the garden.

So here goes another day of tailoring my activities. It will be over in one week...I beg my hopes.

1 comment:

Cali Lovett said...

I have a friend who's been suffering from major migraines for about 5 years now--hospitalized several times, headache clinics, everything. She recently read something about the common misdiagnosis of pituitary tumors and had her doctor check for that--a simple blood test I believe. Turns out she had one, a benign tumor on her pituitary gland. These tumors are very common apparently (who knew?) and can cause all kinds of different problems including visual disturbances, perhaps like your vertigo. Last week she had a simple procedure to have the tumor removed (not even major surgery) and is now completely pain free for the first time in 5 years. I know it sounds too good to be true, but might be worth checking. Your headaches seem so odd to have come out of nowhere and to be accompanied by the vertigo...