Friday, July 24, 2009

Ovulatory Migraines

Again, warning: writing about the menstrual cycle and it's connection to my migraines.

So last month I had a few migraines when I ovulated, as usual.

Then, during my period, I had no migraines.

Now this week, while ovulating, I've had a few migraines. At first (and a little, still) I was disappointed about having a migraine at all. I got my hopes up that if I didn't have a migraine during my period, then perhaps I wouldn't have one when ovulating.

No such luck; but I take heart that it is cyclic and not without predictability. After all, one of the difficult things about migraines (besides the pain, vomiting, fatigue, etc.) is that they strike without warning, and with much interruption to life's demands. If my migraines are down to just the hormone changes at ovulation, and not during the period, I can plan for those somewhat.

I just wonder what it will be for me when we try for a baby. I won't be able to use any of the preventive supplements I am currently taking. I'm worried about this but I know that I can deal with them, it's just not easy.

As for when I am pregnant, I cannot use the abortive drug I use now, either. My neurologist said that the pain is then controlled with narcotics. I have small children, so narcotics are out of the question for me unless my husband is home. If I am fortunate enough to become pregnant I will just have to deal with these pesky (understatement!) migraines, day-to-day, the way I've been doing.

Another thing for me to keep in mind, is that perhaps my migraines will go away, or decrease significantly while pregnant because of the hormonal change. ...though it could go the other way and they could become worse. But I will hope for the best.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Well, THIS Is Very Strange...

Warning: I talk about menses (for any young-minded readers, who still think the body is gross).

My periods have become spaced out more. Five months ago it was 28 days, four months ago it was 26 (very short!), three months ago it was 32, then 38 and then this last one was probably about 42 days apart or so. The menses was normal, nothing strange other than the sporadic timing.

So what am I reporting?

This is the first period in two years that I've not had one migraine during the period!!

I should state for the record that a little over one year ago I was on the BCP to stop my period to stop my migraines. So I didn't have a migraine for that month, but the pill only worked a month or two until my hormones fought back stronger and the BCP didn't stop my period. But back to current events:

I'm on day five today; I should have had at least two big migraines by now. And nothing! What does this mean? I don't want to get my hopes up. But could this mean a two year hell is ending? My life will not revolve around my headaches? What will that be like? What did my life used to be like?

Time will tell.